Seven Secret Ways to Monitor My Android Phone Down

But i had it all wrote down what the man had in my phone. So i took it down there the email they orinanally made said didnt exsist. So we tried to open it back up since it was still in time and i swear it accually said sending a email to reopen to another email in yahoo but they put it undet my name. Of coarse i couldnt get into it cuz i didnt make it and it was hooked to a weird phone number. So thwy fixed my phone reset it with a new email.

Put a pass code on it. But now im finding weird apps runnning that i dont understand. I dont know if there supposed tobe there or if its a spyware.

How to Tell if Your Phone Has Been Hacked - Techlicious

Im so tired and cofused. Do you know how i can tell whitch apps are supposed to be there?

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The more i read the more confused i get. Any help at all i greatly am thankful. Ive been in your same situation for almost four years. My man went as far to say i had something mentally wrong. Telling my family and friends and literally was taken to a mental hostipal to stay for obversation for a week. My life hasnt ever been the same since.

I am a mother of 2 biological children, 2 step children, and a surrogate child. I am a veteran of the US Army, and I was merely months away from graduating from one of my 2 degrees that I was pursuing for 6 years in college, and I worked for the government. Life was great, I had a great paying job, bills paid ahead. That was the beginning of the end for me, and my family. Its almost a year later, I am homeless, my thousands of dollars are gone from my bank, it was so bad at one point I went through 5 phones in a matter of 4 moths.

Cell phones are the same thing, mini computers. I will stop them, I will take them out, and they will pay for ruining my life. I promise when this all comes to an end, everyone will hear the story, and they will know how to stop these punks. When I think how could people be so evil, I remember that even Satan was an angel. Thing is I am a Godly woman, but I will put the fear of hell in them.

Mark my words you are not alone! Same exact shit. I go to work home get yelled at and I sit in my room, and occasionally hike.

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  7. I will take care of you and love you. My body literally hurts. Now, this is not to say that he has had any sexual relations with anyone. Cheating on a person you have said vows to is one of the lowest things a person can do not just to their spouse, but to themselves as well.

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    A person is only as good as their word. All the rest of the tech issues are just byproducts of the aforememtioned problem. Definately malware. Malware usually shows up, however. Thank you I was really thinking I was going nuts. Oh lovely, you knew in February so you was well aware what you were doing making me look unstable to the point of being hospitalised on my birthday in April, clearly your plan the whole way through.

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    Is there anything I can do? Why are you running by a gun and walk around with that shit seriously i bet they quit fucking with you. These people have been doing this for at least 10 plus years from what I tracked down. There are many of them and some are dangerous. Be cautious. Feel me in a lil more regarding this subjuct.

    Actions that cant be taken to be aware of when this is being done and ways to prevent it. Even better, how can u find out where or who these actions are coming from. Look it up thank you. Thanks for the tip. Lately their hacking bullshit has been getting more aggressive and scarier. I am not a dumbass who carelessly opens up every tab or file she sees. I use the best VPN and anti whatevers. They destroy everything. I live in a very small Midwest city and nobody knows what to do except blame me. They stalking continues even if I move too.

    I feel so helpless. I did nothing wrong this has strained my mental and physical health terribly. This has happened to me.. Computer taken over. I whipe it and with in a day they have control of it. My tv is a constant reset to us I gave up on it phones changed 4 times already new number different name everything even tried apple an still they get on.

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    In the house. If I turn everything off. I make just enough to live. No big name, no business, no savings, no family, small town,. From An enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine on January 04, :: am. Exactly the sane situation maybe a luttle worst i am isolated and neef someone to talk to Please email ne. In my mind, no question about it. If there was no hacking why would we buy all these security measures from them?

    You still not convinced, ask yourself why we NEVER heae about a billionaire like, and there are many of them, who for a hacker would be the ultimate prey.

    Part 2: How to Track A Cell Phone Location Without Installing Software

    How come theiraccounts have never ever been the target of the abuse people are sharing here???? Ordinary hard working people….

    Explore Questions by Age

    We ARE the Product!!! Hi, Do anyone know how a hacker can hack into a phone or car? Also, can you provide some help to remove them? I lived in Orlando FL and I am being harassed by my neighbors. I moved out of the development because it was highly suggested by the Orlando Police department so I can have sanity and sense of security.